
“that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” JOHN 17:21

Why Partnerships?
We believe in strategic partnerships with other Mountain Movers. No one person or organization has all the answers, but together, we can make lasting impact, decreasing the rate of recidivism through the wisdom of collaboration.


Meet our Mental Health Team and Partners!

We are proud to partner with these amazing organizations

  • Anchor Her 
  •  Rended Heart
  • Firm Foundation  
  •  Found and Woven       
  •  KC United 
  •  GROW 
  • House of Hope  
  • Collektive Company
  • Fatherhood Foundation 
  • 1 Ninety-Nine
  • The Single Mom KC
  • Upchurch Foundation
  • SOAR
  • Advice and Aid
  • Urban Scholastic Center
  • Kansas City Dream Center
  • Trauma Healing Center
  • Christians United for Racial Justice

Learn more about our Mental Health Program

Hear what our partners are saying

Dr. Wes Parham

Executive Director of Urban Scholastic Center
For the past three years, Urban Scholastic Center has partnered with Sherrie Pucket and Building Bridges Ministries team to offer mental health support and counseling for our families. Sherrie and her team has helped families through grief, trauma, loss, pain and a variety of other mental challenges. With each client reporting a higher wellness score after their sessions than they had before. The Building Bridges Team has been amazing and we support them in everything they are doing.

Amy Mitchell

Executive Director and Founder of Anchor Her
Building Bridges mental health life coaching has been a safe and transformational resource for our women. Anchor Her helps women coming out of incarceration and addiction rebuild their lives.  Building Bridges has played an integral part in helping our women heal from the trauma they have endured. Sherrie Pucket is an amazing leader that truly cares about seeing women succeed.

Adrion Roberson

Co-Founder and Executive Director of KC United
We have been and are blessed by to God to serve for the past thirteen years the urban core of Wyandotte County with our Sports and Education Initiative. What Building Bridges Mental Health is providing is nothing short of helping us build more capacity to meet our participants (youth/teens/parents/guardians) social/emotional needs. They help us give a holistic balance to what we desire to fulfill in KC United!  Why, because our theme: "Strengthing our city one soul, one life, one family at a time. Through Jesus Christ and Building Bridges we know we will fulfill this vision!

Amy Burgess

Program Coordinator, House of Hope KC
Building Bridges Ministries has richly blessed House of Hope Kansas City. The individuals from the ministry are not only gifted, they are also dedicated to caring for our teenage residents. Building Bridges creates meaningful one-on-one mentoring relationships by being present, spending time listening, enjoying an activity, helping with homework, and studying the Bible. There are many opportunities to invest in the next generation, we are grateful that Building Bridges Ministries is here for House of Hope Kansas City. We genuinely are blessed by your ministry.  Stephanie is fantastic!